The Society has commissioned accomplished artist Bernard Willington to run a series of painting classes for members of the Society.
Bernard summarises the classes as follows :
The classes will cover all aspects of painting and members will be free to follow whatever areas are of particular interest to them.
Over time we shall engage with many of the practical painting issues we all face in the struggle to produce work with which we can feel a sense of accomplishment.
I envisage spending the first half hour or so sharing views about artists, methods, techniques and movements across art history which I hope will help open up new aspirations for members. When appropriate, or when requested I would like to include brief demonstrations of techniques or methods which members would find useful and which they can apply in their own way.
Problem solving, questions and discussion, including challenging anything I may say will be at the heart of the sessions. As the meetings develop and I get to know individuals better I shall be able to focus on what may be most valuable to them. To help with this I shall bring along occasional examples of work to use as illustrations of useful artistic principles.
When the group has settled (that is after I've had my chat) I would like to think members could work on paintings of their own and I see myself moving around addressing any particular problems or questions they may have about their own work and which they may be more comfortable talking about in a one to one conversation.
I want to be as open minded and responsive as I can. The whole purpose is to make everyone confident as a painter and feel there is no subject they cannot tackle confidently".
More information
Market Lavington Village Hall has been booked for our weekly art class. It's an excellent venue, light and airy with plenty of free parking and use of the kitchen (post covid).
The charge for members will be £5 per week and we ask that a commitment be made for the 6 weeks at a total cost of £30. We have 12 members for each class.
The classes will run from 9.45am - 12.45pm.
Please e-mail Margaret Hanson with your intentions to attend -
Places are limited.
Payment needs to be made
by Bank Transfer to :
Bank : HSBC
Account name : Lawrence Society of Art
Sort code : 40-19-16
Account No : 61336908
Please support the Society - art is what we're all about !